Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Birthday, Joshua!!!

Yesterday was Joshua's birthday (I know that's obvious from the post title, but meh)! I can't believe we have a one-year-old. It's so strange. Anyway, we had a little mini-party for him that evening, and Aunt Kirsti and Uncle Rich were kind enough to come over and help us out with taking pictures and stuff. I think he felt pretty well-celebrated! He got a Learn & Groove Musical Table (thanks for your suggestions, everyone!) and three pairs of shoes (he was in desperate need)...not a ton of stuff, but he didn't really seem to care anyway. It took him forever to get into the cake itself, but once he did, he had a grand old time, as evidenced by the picture--which is probably one of my favorite pictures of him ever. Thanks, Aunt Kirsti, for taking it! I've posted a ton of pictures over on our website, so go there to see more of the action. Happy Birthday, Joshua! We are so grateful you came into our lives one year ago, and we hope many many more years lay ahead of you!

We also took videos, and I now know how to post them. I know, I know, it's about time. There are quite a few, so we split them up. Feel free to browse through them as you so desire. The first one is of opening his first present with Daddy:

We switched places for the next present. Make sure you watch the end, as he really starts to get excited about his present. =)

And finally, here's the birthday cake! We tried to get him to blow out the candle himself, but 1) he wasn't really cooperating and 2) even if he had, a bunch of spit probably would have come out as well, and we didn't really think Kirsti and Rich would have liked Joshua spit on the cake. But it's still cute!

Sad news...There is one more video of him doing the cake smashing (which took a lot of coaxing and prodding, but he eventually gave in...who can't resist chocolate?), but it's too big to upload here. You'll have to be satisfied with the pictures on our website, and if you want to see the video, come visit us and we can show it to you! =)


Mamapierce said...

I love the picture and the videos! I feel like I'm right there with you! Happy Birthday Joshua!

kari said...

Yes, Jill is right. It DOES feel like we were there! Which we truly wish we were.........We love Joshua, and are so happy he's one now! Keep up the growin and learnin, Little Guy!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Joshua! You are awesome!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Joshua! I can't believe how fast a year flies by.

Brianne said...

so, I just looked at all the pictures...such a serious face as he digs into that cake, haha...all in all, very cute pictures and cute videos =) yay, Happy Birthday, Joshua! I'm sorry I couldn't be there!