Monday, December 6, 2010

Carina's on a Journey...

Just wanted to announce that I (Carina) have started a blog to document a big change coming up in my life in the next couple of months. If you're interested, I'd love your support and comments over there. I started it a month or so ago, so start from the very first post if you want to know what's going on. I've also decided not to make it private, at least for now, so if you know of anyone else that would be interested, feel free to send them the link. Thanks, everyone!


Brianne said...

So...I don't remember you ever telling me about this other blog. But I'll check it out. =)

Carina said...

That's because I've never told anyone about it, silly :P I started it just as a way to jot down my feelings about this whole thing, but recently I decided I wanted to share this with my friends and family and I wanted to hear any words of encouragement, etc. that they have for me. Hence the announcement on this blog. Yes? :)

The Hulls said...

I'd like to be on the list!