Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Some fun video clips :)

First of all, thank you so much for your comments on my last post. All your words meant so much to me, and I am so privileged to know such good people. I want to respond to each of you individually, so look for an email from me. =)

We broke out the video camera on Sunday. It had been laying dormant on our bookshelf since...well, for a long time. Joshua has been being a lot more interactive these days, and so we tried to capture some of his latest talents on film. First up, singing with Mommy and Daddy (please forgive the horrible out-of-tuneness that is our duet):

You may have noticed that he pointed at the video camera and said, "Ah-DEE!!!" Well, "Dee" is what he calls practically everyone right now. I think it's his own form of "Daddy," and he hasn't quite grasped the concept that he only has one Daddy and everyone else has a different name. So far my efforts to get him to say something similar to Mommy have proved unsuccessful.

And, second, here is Joshua performing some of his animal sounds. Some of them are a little hard to tell, but he does make them sound almost like the real animal. It's pretty cute.

Thanks for showing off, Joshua!


Amy said...

He is so adorable. I love his animal sounds. These videos totally made me smile.

Mamapierce said...

That is how it sounds when Tyler & I sing songs together...poor Tyler isn't on pitch much except when crossing them! ha ha! Cute video, cute family!

kari said...

Too sweet for words. He's such a sweet obedient little guy....even when he wanted to watch the camera, he obeyed his daddy and went to his mommy to sing. Such a good boy! I enjoyed his snake especially, even tho I don't care for snakes. The elephant always wins tho. Thanks for the videos!

Svedi Pie said...

I finally got to sit down and watch these, how adorable :)I love his Ah-DEEE!! So so cute!

Mickelle said...

I can't believe he stomps/claps etc. at the right times! Betsy is totally sporatic in her attemps, but does sing "head... knees... toes" when she should be eating dinner. I keep hoping someday shoulders will come in there, too. But no luck yet!