Monday, May 18, 2009

17 months!

I haven't blogged in almost two weeks, I just realized. Things have been on the busy side lately, so I apologize for that. Let me run briefly through what has been going on with us.

First off, Joshua is 17 months old today! That means one more month until he can be in nursery while at church, which is rather exciting. Maybe Cody and I will actually be able to pay attention in Sunday School now.

Joshua has also had a high fever for the past few days. We've been keeping him on Motrin, which seems to help, and he's been sleeping a lot--which includes waking up a lot at night because he's too hot and then taking a long nap during the day, which for those of you who know him well know that he has never been a particularly long napper--and being pretty mopey. I hope he gets to feeling better soon. I'm not sure if it's teething-related. We're still waiting on those canines...any day now!

My brother Kendall and his family came to visit for the evening last Wednesday! They have been visiting with Shelly's family down in Hurricane, Utah, and Kendall had a job interview up in SLC so they came up for awhile. It was good to see had been a long time (August 2008). It's fun to see Audrey and Joshua kinda-sorta play together, seeing as how they're only 3.5 months apart. We'll see a lot more of them when we go to Texas in June, and we're hoping Audrey teaches Joshua a few things, just like she did last August (maybe Joshua will be talking by then...hope hope). We're excited to have another niece/nephew on the way, too!

Cody's in classes again, after pulling an awesome GPA last semester--yay! This next semester looks to be pretty tough, especially since two of the classes are first block only, so the assignments are big and tests come quickly (he's even had one already). He stayed up most of last night trying to finish some assignments for his online math class--poor guy, he was so tired this morning. I'm hoping to do all I can to help him keep on top of everything.

My job is still going pretty well...I have a lot to do, which is always nice. And my transcription work has been keeping me busy, too, with about 2 hours almost every night last week. I'm busy, but it's bringing in money for the family, so I'm okay with it.

That's about it for now. Life just keeps on going, and we struggle to keep up. Not much else you can do, huh? =)


The Hulls said...

I don't know Carina! When Ben FINALLY was old enough for Nursery he developed stranger anxiety, of course! If the teachers are willing, and pray that they are, and will keep the kiddo even if he's screaming so you can leave it will be best for everyone. Oh, another thing... when Ben went to Nursery, I still found my mind wandering during SS and RS because I was always looking for the child that wasn't there. Funny, eh?!

Mamapierce said...

I love how often you see your family!!! I wish I could go to the reunion. Have fun for me, will you?

Svedi Pie said...

Good Luck Kendall! I hope he has some good leads. I'm glad you're job is still going well :) Life certainly is busy isn't it?! Also, I just have to say I miss the token Joshua picture :)

kari said...

Hey, nice update, Carina! It's good to know even the "mundane" still makes me smile. I'm hoping we can get that kid healthy! Those teeth are taking their time, yes? Give Cody a big congrats for us, and cheer him on--it's hard work, but he's definitely on his way!

Mickelle said...

Transcription work? Do tell me more. I've been considering the training...