Friday, April 24, 2009

A new job...

...can you believe it?

Background: There's a hiring freeze going on at BYU right now, and so that has left a lot of departments with positions that they can't fill. The School of Technology, which is a part of the College of Engineering and Technology, is losing their Department Secretary, in addition to having already lost another 3/4 time person. The Director went to the Dean in desperation, and all of the Department Chairs were asked if they could spare any full-time staff in their department to help the School of Technology. Our Chair volunteered me.

So, effective next week, I will leave my position as the ACERC Secretary and move to the School of Technology! I'm excited for a new work environment and to meet new people. Too bad the salary is the same, but it'll still be good. I don't know how permanent it will be--when the hiring freeze is over, I don't know if I'll stay there or come back to ACERC. Time will tell. But hey, in the meantime, if you're ever by the Crabtree or Snell buildings at BYU, come visit me! (I'll be in the CTB mornings and the Snell afternoons)

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Mamapierce said...

Congratulations!!! :o)

Mickelle said...

Hey! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear how the first few weeks go!

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy it! Good Luck!! :)

kari said...

Here's to my smart, talented, beautiful, and "awfully nice" daughter! Enjoy this week, and learn quick! You'll be on your own soon. :) Proud of you, Dear.

Tiffany J said...

Yea! Congratulations!

By the way, April bdays DO rock! Happy Belated to you!